Communication is key to a healthy relationship

Thoughts on today’s message:

I believe that communication is an absolute necessity in a relationship and that you cannot maintain a relationship with someone without communicating with them.

I also believe that our communication with the Lord is an indicator of the health and maturity of our relationship with Him. It is the “yardstick” by which our relationship with Him is measured.

What does your communication with the Lord (of which prayer is a component) say about your relationship with Him? (Tough question, I
know: I ask myself that question constantly.)
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But unto thee have I cried, O LORD; and in the morning shall my prayer prevent thee. (Psa 88:13 KJV)

Prayer: LORD, help me to be mindful of the value and necessity of spending quality time with You in prayer. Regardless of my
responsibilities or the demands on my time, none are greater than the need to develop and build our relationship. Help me prioritize
my time and order my affairs in such a way that I will have quality time with You every day. Thank You for the privilege of beginning my
day with You, spending my day with You, and ending my day with You.
In Jesus’ name, Amen

Have a beautiful day.

Menashe's Blog

Post removed   Diane Weber Bederman   The Blogs   The Times of IsraelDiane Bederman has just been just contacted by the Times of Israel that her article “We want all of the 6 million Jews and 1 million Arabs to come to Jesus” has been removed. Calev Myers, the man in Israel behind the push to open the Law of Return to Jews for Jesus lodged the complaint. Diane remarks:

I am saddened by this. I stand by all my quotes about Calev Myers in that article.
I believe this speaks to the power of those in Israel who want to legitimize Messianic Jews and change the face of Israel.

As parent living here in Israel I am also saddened and concerned, especially since the voice of our people is being silenced by the power of money suppressing free thought and expression. This not the first time however, that articles and comments have been deleted from the Times of Israel blog.

A similar…

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Iran’s leaders reject Obama deal, calling it “unacceptable.” It’s been a bizarre few days. Here’s the latest.

Netanyahu is right, Iran does need heavier sanctions.

Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

US Secretary of State John Kerry meets with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, for a new round of nuclear negotiations on Monday, March 2, 2015. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci) US Secretary of State John Kerry meets with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, for a new round of nuclear negotiations on Monday, March 2, 2015. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

(Washington, D.C.) — Consider the odd developments of the past few days:

* The leader of our most faithful and trusted ally comes to Washington to warn of a mortal and rising threat from a dangerous and deceiving enemy.

* The President of the United States refuses to meet with him.

* The President sends his VP out of the country to avoid our ally.

* The President sends the Secretary of State out of the country to avoid our ally, and instead to meet with our enemy.

* The President refuses to allow any of his Cabinet Members attend the speech by our ally.

* The White House pressures Members of Congress to boycott the speech of our ally.

* The President’s…

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On eve of Purim, Netanyahu warns of new Persian threat to Israel & the world. Here’s my analysis.

It was approximately 3/4 years ago that I recall reading of PM Benjamin Netanyahu was attending regular Bible study.
As I read this Item, I was taken back at the mention of Persia Iran… I believe That’s the prophetic lands involved in the apocalyptic war.
It appears the we are seeing the events that are leading up to the armegedon. Jat

Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

The Prime Minister of Israel addressing a Joint Session of Congress on March 3, 2015. The Prime Minister of Israel addressing a Joint Session of Congress on March 3, 2015.

(Washington, D.C.) — That was one for the ages.

In 25 years living in or near the nation’s capital, I have never actually been to a Joint Session of Congress. But if there was ever a speech I wanted to hear, it was this one.

I wish you could have been there with me. It was so fascinating — and so humbling — to be in the House Chamber as the Prime Minister of Israel arrived to thunderous and continuous applause.

As I listened to him speak, I felt I was witnessing history being made, as if Winston Churchill himself were personally warning us of the gathering storm.

On the eve of Purim, the Jewish holiday remembering the Biblical book of Esther and the Persian plot to annihilate the Jewish people 2,500 years ago, Prime Minister…

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America is in grave danger, and Christian leaders & lay people must speak out. When a nation murders 57 million babies & ignores gathering storm of Radical Islam, the state of the union is not “strong.” Analysis.

Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

state-of-the-union>> I will speak tonight at 7pm PST at Calvary Chapel in Costa Mesa on “The State of the Union: The Future of America and the Middle East.” Please click here to watch live webcast this evening.

(Costa Mesa, California) — “America, for all that we have endured; for all the grit and hard work required to come back; for all the tasks that lie ahead, know this: The shadow of crisis has passed, and the State of the Union is strong.” So began President Obama on Tuesday night in his 2015 State of the Union address to the nation and to a Joint Session of Congress. He was not the first American President to declare the state of the union “strong.” But with all due respect, the President is wrong. When a nation murders 57 million innocent babies, the state of the union is not strong. When a nation overtaxes and overregulates and…

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